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Plan a building for the future

Buyer’s remorse doesn’t just apply to spur-of-the-moment purchases. It also applies to larger purchases like vehicles, furniture and even buildings (even when the buyer thought they did a good job initially). To help you avoid buyer’s remorse after purchasing your building, we are sharing the top 6 regrets that we commonly hear from buyers…Starting with Regret #1…”I should have planned for the future”. Many people buy their building based on what they need NOW without thinking about their future needs. This can lead to having to buy another building or shed down the line. Avoid this buy thinking about what you will be doing in 5-10 years. Will you have another vehicle or possibly and RV? Will your family be growing? Make sure you building will accommodate your future needs.#CelebrityStructures#BuildingRegrets#BuyersRemorse#ShedMistakesToAvoid