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Lets talk Roofs

For this #TipTuesday, we want to talk roofs and how to pick the best roof style for your building…1️⃣ The rolled corner with the standard horizontal roof has been around for decades and is the most common type of roof style. These kinds of roofs are cost effective because they have no trims or ridge caps and they are best for year-round fair weather.2️⃣ A-Frame horizontal with boxed eave gives a more residential look to your building. The sheet panels run from side to side. This is a great option for fair weather and minimum upgrade costs.3️⃣ A-Frame vertical with boxed eave is the best the choice for extreme weather conditions because the vertical roof style allows for heavy rain and snow to slide off easily.We would love to help you select the best roof option for your needs. Give us a call today to get started!📞 (985) 662-5202#ShedGirls#EagleCarports#StarBuildingsandCarports#MetalRoof